

With a width varying from 50 till 150 kilometers and a length of about 700 kilometers – from the border with Burkina Faso in the North, till the ocean in the South – Togo is one of the smallest countries of the African continent. Relatively unknown, it is a perfect destination for the adventurous traveler, who loves to leave the beaten tourist tracks. Enjoy Togo’s mouthwatering dishes, the traditional festivals, the diversity of the ethnic groups or let yourself be transported by zemidjan. We are looking forward to take you on a voyage of discovery in Togo!

practical informations

Tourist highlights:Lomé, Mount Kloto, Kara, Mount Kabyé, Tamberma county, Agbodrafo
Population:~8 million
Language:French and several local languages including Mina-Ewé and Kabyé
Currency:Franc CFA (XOF)
Voltage:220 V, types C and E plugs
Safety:Most of the country can be visited safely, with the exception of the border with Burkina Faso
Travel documents:Passport needs to be valid for at least 6 months before arrival, most nationalities require a visa. Papillon will assist with the letter of invitation for you to apply for it.
Yellow fever vaccination needed.