

Despite over 80% of its land area being in the Sahara, this country takes its name from the Niger river, meaning “river of all rivers” in the Tamacheq language. Pass along its lush banks, discover stunning oasis towns or ancient caravan cities at the edge of the desert, see the last herd of giraffes in West Africa or take part in Guérewol, the unforgettable annual courtship ritual of the Woodabe Fula people. The largest country in West Africa has something to offer for everybody!

practical informations

Tourist highlights:Niamey, W National Park, Kouré, Zinder, Yaama, Agadez
Population:~24 million
Language:French and local languages including Hausa
Currency:Franc CFA (XOF)
Voltage:220 V, types C and E plugs
Safety:Most of the country is safe for tourists, except for the border zones with Niger and Burkina
Travel documents:Valid passport needed, most nationalities require a visa. Papillon will assist with the letter of invitation for you to apply for it.
Yellow fever vaccination needed.

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