

Once a prosperous kingdom, nowadays Mali belongs to the countries with the lowest income per inhabitant in the world. Papillon makes you meet the country beyond this. In theme-based journeys, you’ll experience the unique aspects of Mali and you’ll connect to the local people and pace. Mali has an ancient, rich culture and a welcoming, proud population, who likes to share and make you familiar with their habits. There is a huge diversity in Mali. Bambara, Fulani, Touareg, Bozo, Malinké, Sonrhai, Dogon and several other ethnic groups all add their own unique aspects to the palette.

practical informations

Tourist highlights:Bamako, Ségou, Djenné, Mopti, Timbuktu, Pays Dogon, Siby
Population:~20 million
Language:French and several local languages, including Bambara, Tamasheq, Dogon and Fulani
Currency:Franc CFA (XOF)
Voltage:220 V, types C and E plugs
Safety:Bamako, Ségou, Sikasso, Siby, Mopti, San and Djenné can be visited safely. For tourists, Timbuktu can only be accessed by charter plane at the moment. Pays Dogon, the North of the country, and the bordering regions with Sénégal and Burkina Faso are off-limits.
Travel documents:Passport needs to be valid for at least 6 months before arrival, most nationalities require a visa. Papillon will assist with the letter of invitation for you to apply for it.
Yellow fever vaccination needed.