

Without any doubt Guinea is our most adventurous destination. Tourism infrastructure is near to non-existing, allowing travellers a real African and local experience. Explore the islands and beaches, hike the Fouta Djallon highlands, visit colourful markets, mingle with the locals and have a great time. Share your travel dreams with us, and we make them come true!

practical informations

Tourist highlights:Conakry, Samaya, Waliya, Kaporo, Fouta Djalon, Douki, Labé, Saala falls
Population:~14 million
Language:French and local languages
Currency:Guinean Franc (GNF)
Voltage:220 V, types C, F and K plugs
Safety:Most of the country is safe for tourists, except for the border zones with Niger and Burkina
Travel documents:Valid passport needed, most nationalities require a visa. Papillon will assist with the letter of invitation for you to apply for it.
Yellow fever vaccination needed.

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